Act Justly Love Mercy
My Black Book Journal
We Want A Different Story

We Want A Different Story

In this episode, our host Danny Brister, Jr, speaks with Terence June Gray, the author of We Want a Different Story: The Power of Narrative and How It Influences African-American Male Identity.  I want to warn that this episode contains the N-word used to reference how Black people in America have were viewed and how that view has shaped our narrative. This episode also includes descriptions of racialized violence. 

Learn more about our guest below:

”Terence June Gray, M.Div, is a pastor, hip hop artist, and author from Memphis, TN. Terence also serves as a national board member of the Center for Youth Ministry Training. His own life experience, along with his time serving as a case manager and youth minister, has created within Terence a great passion to help black men discover and love their true selves. He is the author of the book “We Want A Different Story” which released in 2019. The book is about identity formation amongst African American men and how historical, political, and theological narratives shape identity. Terence is married to the love of his life Ashley Gray. Terence and Ashley share a daughter, Lucca Michelle Gray. "

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